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Product Detail Information |
Price Computing Scale
ASEP Features :- 6 x user selectable
output baut rate
- Bold type wide angle
LCD Display
- 99 unit price PLU
including 5 x one touch
- Long battery
uperation time: 120 hours plus
- Completed with low
battery and charging status indicators
- Dual power source: By built in rechargeable battery or power adaptor
- OIML/EC type approved dual weighing range price computing scale
- Automatic shift
between LOW and high weighing range with indication on display panel
- Stainless
Steel platter, Backlight, Rs.232C Interface, Bulit in rechargeable battery, Power adaptor, bubble level and adjustable
feet included
- User
friendly function include: Memory accumlation, Non weighed article,
Fix unit price, Paid & Change, Manual zero
& Tare, Auto power saving, power on & zero tracking
Options : - Label printer interface output can printout: barcode, company name, total price, manufacturing date, expired date, net weight, unit price
Specifications : - Display : LCD
- Capacity : 3kg, 6kg, 15kg, 30kg, 60kg
- Division : 1g, 2g, 5g, 10g, 20g
- Tare range : Full tare range (subtractive)
- Platter : 280 mm x 350 mm with all stainless steel platter cover